The deadline for all submissions and reference letters is midnight January 19, 2025
Coaches, read all instructions / scroll down for nomination form
Coaches, general statements are not helpful. Please be specific in answering all the below questions. Have your Student-Athlete click on the “Student-Athlete Nominee Information Form” button on the previous page to complete their part of the nomination. They need to complete this form on their own. Please note that in addition to filling out the Student – Athlete Nominee Information Form, your nominee must also upload two reference letters. These letters MUST be written by someone other than the nominating coach. These can be written by a school administrator, counselor, or teacher; from a church pastor or youth minister; or possibly from an employer.
All wrestlers nominated for scholarship awards will be announced at the GHSA Wrestling State Tournament in Macon.
The selection committee will be composed of FCA Wrestling-Georgia Board members and other persons of influence in the Georgia wrestling community. The selected wrestler will receive a framed certificate award, accompanied by a letter with instructions on claiming the grant for application to the college of their choice. Clarifications and questions may be directed to Mac Gregory at (229) 886 6092 – you must leave a voice mail – and he will call you back ASAP. You may also contact Holly Cox, (678) 858-5711.
An athlete’s high school coach may nominate (1) wrestler for each award. The amount for each scholarship award is $1,000.00.
Five basic requirements for being nominated for these awards – (nominations are submitted by the athlete’s high school coach and more detailed instructions are on the website)
- The wrestler is a senior in high school, who plans to further their education. (Please note that the scholarship is paid directly to the institution of higher learning at which the wrestler matriculates in the fall of 2024.)
- The wrestler is a committed Christian who has maintained a consistent Christian witness to their teammates.
- The wrestler maintains at least a 2.5 GPA. (The better the GPA, the better is his / her chance of winning the award.)
- The wrestler is a varsity wrestler. (They do not have to be a state champion, just someone who has worked hard, and been a solid contributor to their program over the years.)
5. The nomination packet must be COMPLETED with all online forms properly filled out and 2 reference letters uploaded to nominee form. All forms and letters must be submitted by midnight Jan 19, 2025. Again, please read over all the instructions carefully. Late submissions will not be accepted.